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Sales are only made to entrepreneurs, commercial operators, freelancers and public Institutions and not to consumers within the meaning of §13 BGB.

Save money when changing filters

August 16, 2021 | yourfilter GmbH

Save money when changing filters

A Changing the filter is time-consuming and often expensive - It is understandable that every plant manager wants to save money here. How can this be done without sacrificing employee protection? We have three tips for you:

Geld sparen beim Filterwechsel

  1. How many filtration stages does the suction system have? It can often help to first replace the pre-filter (s) before the main filter has to be replaced. A pre-filter catches the "coarse" dust and dirt. If the pre-filter is very dirty, changing it helps that more air can flow through the system again. If changing the pre-filter does not help - then definitely change the main filter as well.
  1. Precoating Powder Use: Precoating powder is also known as a filter aid. The powder can help filter cartridges have a longer service life and can be cleaned better and more frequently. The fine powder forms a fine layer on the filter material, so the dirt is more easily removed from the cartridge when it is cleaned.
  1. Is the Manufacturer's guarantee of the device expired? Then it is time to examine the filter market for alternatives. There are alternatives on the market that are of exactly the same quality as the original filters. Only cheaper. Pay attention to the filter class and the appropriate size - then you can save 30-40% compared to the original filter.


In the next BLOG article: The different types of filtration